Redbeardcreator Author's page | World Anvil



Michael Johnson | Member Since 2 Aug, 2018
3 Followers 100208 Page views 39 Likes
I've always got more ideas than time. And one of the things I want my ideas to do are to improve my understanding and acceptance of the real world. I want to show respect to everyone, even if I don't know how. Please let me know if I can improve.   If you've come here by way of a comment I've left (usually via one of the World Anvil events) let me say that I have almost always enjoyed your story. It's your story. If I've shared any criticism, I honestly want to help you improve, and I implore that you help me improve, as well.

Favorite Movies

I like a lot of movies. My favorite is probably Blade Runner. Mostly I like sci-fi stuff. In semi-random order (except Blade Runner):

  • Blade Runner
  • The Princess Bride
  • Labyrinth
  • Star Trek: Wrath of Khan
  • Terminator 2: Judgement Day
  • The Matrix
  • There's more (for instance, I like most of the Marvel movies), but I'm gonna stop here for now.

    Favorite Writers

    I usually say my favorite writer is Robert A. Heinlein. I also like Larry Niven and Frank Herbert. A bunch of old-white-guy sci-fi writers.   But, I'm trying to stretch out a bit. I'm working through Octavia E. Butler's Parable of the Sower. She's definitely not an old white guy. I like what I've read so far, but I just don't have a lot of time that I'm putting to reading right now.