Orphidor Author's page | World Anvil



DB | Member Since 27 Apr, 2018
5 Followers 13914 Page views 29 Likes

If you somehow stumbled upon my profile, hello. Please be nice while you're here and hopefully enjoy the products of my weird imagination. Athanya is my primary world, so it's much more filled-out. New Terra is a major work in progress. Have a wonderful day and happy worldbuilding!

Interests & Hobbies

Drawing, collecting bones, doll customization, ice hockey

Favorite Movies

The Shining, Kill Bill, Talk To Me, original Star Wars

Favorite TV Series

The Venture Bros, Rick & Morty, The Mandalorian

Favorite Books

The Fablehaven Series, The Left Hand of Darkness, The Hobbit

Favorite Writers

Tolkien, Ursula Le Guin

Favorite Games

The Sims 4